A Space to Thrive

A Space to Thrive Made Possible
by Arby’s Foundation

(Miracles for Kids | Feb 2025)  Thanks to the generosity of Miracles for Kids’ donors and corporate partners, Miracle Manor on Vermont has served as a place of safety, community, and stability for the families with critically-ill children that have called it “home” since its opening in December 2023. Among these remarkable supporters is the Arby’s Foundation. In 2024, they provided a grant to establish the apartment complex’s Multi-Purpose Room (MPR)—a space that has become central to life at Miracle Manor on Vermont.

In 2024, Miracle Manor on Vermont provided affordable housing to 10 families, comprising 35 family members, and the MPR has been a key part of their experience. Children have gathered there to play and enjoy activities hosted by Miracles for Kids staff and volunteers, creating joyful memories in a safe environment. The MPR also serves as a meeting place for town halls, fostering open communication and collaboration between parents and staff to address the community’s needs.

We are deeply grateful to the Arby’s Foundation for their ongoing support of our mission. Their generosity has helped create a space where families can connect, thrive, and find hope during difficult times.

Thank you, Arby’s Foundation for making miracles!