Join the Team

We’re always looking for passionate, skilled professionals who want to make a difference.

Programs Coordinator

Irvine, CA - Responsible for assisting the Programs Manager and Staff to provide timely and culturally competent programmatic services.

Job Details


Irvine, CA - We offer year-round internships designed to develop your professional experience in various areas of expertise. Contact us today!

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Community Programs Intern

Irvine, CA - Join the Community Programs team and help with event planning and coordination, our Miracle Manor housing program, and more!

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Looking for a Job?

We post new jobs all the time. Send us your resume and we’ll put it on file!

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About Us

Miracles for Kids is one of the only organizations on the West Coast providing monthly financial assistance and subsidized housing to families who are fighting for their child’s life.

Our Team

The heart of Miracles for Kids is a team of dedicated staff and board members. Get to know us!

Meet our Board and Staff