One Miracle After Another
For years, Miracles for Kids has continued to grow so we can help more families fighting for the lives of their critically-ill children.
- 2002
- 2004
- 2005
- 2007
- 2012
- 2014
- 2017
- 2020
- 2020
- 2020
- 2020
- 2021
- 2023
- 2023

Business With a Heart
Business partners Curtis Green and Len Hamilton filed for tax exempt status to increase the impact of an employee contribution program, creating “Mortgage Miracles for Kids.”

A Miracle is Born
Co-Founder and CEO, Autumn Strier brings leadership, vision and a business background to launch the organization.

Keeping the Lights On
We built a desperately needed bill pay program to help families pay for their everyday life expenses.

Basket of Miracles
With overflowing support from the community, we launched our basic needs and food delivery program.

SoCal Expansion
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital started referring their patients to us as we sought to help more families.

Miracle Manor
We secured and renovated our first long term housing complex for families on the verge of homelessness.

Up the Coast
Luther Burbank Savings made a gift to expand our reach to kids from Sonoma County who are in treatment at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital in Oakland.

A New Home
Miracles for Kids moves to a new location with dedicated spaces for family therapy sessions, volunteers and other programs.

Corporate Partnership Program
The Corporate Partner program launched in 2021 to recognize corporations and businesses that support Miracles for Kids in 3 or more ways each year.

Kindness Box of Miracles
Monthly boxes are sent to families to ensure they have what they need to survive, while also spreading cheer and a sense of unity.

360° Miracle
360° Miracle is the first-ever women’s network to support
Miracles for Kids. 100% of the contributes will help provide financial
support, housing, counseling.

Holiday Tea Inaugurates
Miracles for Kids and 360° Miracle host their first-ever Holiday Tea Party, which becomes an annual event.

Birthday Bash Kicks Off
Miracles for Kids hosts its first multi-family birthday party for families with critically-ill children, offering presents and a well-deserved break, and creating a supportive environment.

Miracle Manor II Opens
Miracles for Kids launches its second long-term housing complex for up to 10 families that have been financially devastated by a life-threatening disease.