Month of Miracles



During the whole month of July, YogaSix and Miracles for Kids are partnering to raise awareness and funds for critically-ill children and families in need.


Visit a YogaSix Studio
and make a $5 or $10 donation.
You’ll get to sign a token to proudly display your support!
Find a studio near you.

Donate school supplies

that will be delivered directly to families in need
through the Basket of Miracles Program.
Collection boxes are available in every YogaSix studio.
Find a studio near you.

Give today!

Use the form below to make a gift online
and join us in helping families with
critically-ill children battle bankruptcy,
homelessness, hunger and depression – now.

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Join our Monthly Giving Program
and provide a lifeline to families in desperate need.
Use the form below to start giving monthly!


Learn More About Monthly Giving


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The funds you donate will help Miracles for Kids improve the lives of critically-ill children and their families in need. Learn how here.